15 Gorgeous Flower Bed Design Ideas for Your Front Yard

Flower bed ideas are one of the best ways to keep your garden pretty and attractive.

You can combine different kinds of flowers and create a modern or vintage look. To help you get the best floral layout, here are some great references.

15 Gorgeous Flower Bed Design Ideas for Your Front Yard (1)Pin

Flower Bed Design Ideas for Your Front Yard

1. Round Flower Bed Ideas

round flower bed ideasPin

One of the simple flower bed ideas to make in your backyard is the round shape. This concept is simple. However, to make it more interesting, use bold color pants.

For the outer circle, plant in shining yellow Dahlia or impatiens flowers. Dig in about two rows before going into the middle. Then, combine it with bold red tulips to make the whole design notable.

2. Floral Shape

Floral ShapePin

Create a floral shape pattern using various types of flowers. Also, use different colors for each part of the bed so that it can look colorful. Several plants you can use are pink begonias, tulips, and petunias.

3. Middle Flower Bed Ideas


If you are bored putting flowers on the side of your lawn, then create a small bed in the center of the backyard. Put flowers such as tulips, roses, and other colorful plants to make the middle area more attractive.

4. Antique Campfire Flower Bed Ideas

Antique Campfire Flower Bed IdeasPin

Create an antique flowerbed idea with a campfire theme. First, make the area using red stones or rocks in a circle shape.

Then, spread some brown mulch on top of it. To make the fire look real, use red roses, petunia, or poppy.

5. Sidewalk Flower Bed Ideas

Sidewalk Flower Bed IdeasPin

Sidewalk flower bed ideas are one of the ways to protect your herbs. They are made high and put aside so that people or animals do not easily step on them. To make it look pretty, use soft color bricks to make the wall.

6. River Backyard Flower Bed Ideas

River Backyard Flower Bed IdeasPin

One of the backyard flower bed ideas that will look beautiful is the river-look-alike design. To make the water, fill up the area with delphinium, which is blue and white.

Then on the sides of delphinium, plant some other flowers like lotus, cattail, or Amazon lily. You would want to arrange them in the middle also, to make them seem floating.

7. Spilled Flower Bed Design


If you are looking for small flower bed ideas for the front of the house, try the spilled design.

The concept here is to put things outside of the bucket as if it is pouring out. Just place the soils and plants a bit messy so that it looks natural.

8. Front Side Window Flower Bed

Front Side Window Flower BedPin

The side window is one of the small flower bed ideas for the front of the house. This design is great for those who want to close their basement window.

Make a rectangle shape bed to place all the soils and flowers. Use plants that can grow high such as hardy hibiscus, oriental lily, or hollyhock.

These will help cover up the basement windows so that people will not notice there is a room.

9. Side Yard Flower Bed with High Plants

Side Yard Flower Bed with High PlantsPin

Create a side yard flowerbed using high plants like monkshood, false indigo, or iris.

The combination of these herbs will make an empty backyard look beautiful and colorful. Remember to design it in a circle shape to make it unique.

10. Low-Maintenance Flower Bed Ideas

tree trunk flower bedPin

For low-maintenance flower bed ideas that will not keep you busy is the tree trunk design. Some plants can grow well when you place them in a natural habitat.

11. Green Side Garden


The green side garden belongs to the simple flower bed ideas. Just like the name, you will only need one tone plant for the flowerbed.

A bit different from the other types, this design will be planted directly on the ground.

Therefore, the only material needed is soil and herbs without any rocks or stones.

12. Matching Side & Window Flower

Matching Side & Window FlowerPin

This idea is almost the same as the greenside garden. However, for this design, you can add other tones by putting bricks on the sides or adding different colors of herbs.

If there happens to be a window near the area, why not make it look alike.

13. Round Logs Flower Bed

Round Logs Flower BedPin

If you want to have a flowerbed in the middle of the yard, then try the round log idea. Create a circle shape using short woods.

Then, fill in the center part with plants such as Hollyhock, Delphinium, roses, and other types. The more herbs you have, the prettier it will look.

14. Rounding Tree Flower Bed

Rounding Tree Flower BedPin

For those with limited space can still make a flowerbed by putting them on the sides of a tree. First, clean the area and put some soil and rocks around it.

Then, start planting baby’s breath, fairy foxglove, or other small herbs inside.

15. Vintage Suitcase Flower Bed

Vintage Suitcase Flower BedPin

One of the creative flower bed ideas that you can also build is from a suitcase. Despite building it on the ground, use an old trunk to put your plants. Nevertheless, you will still require some soil to make them grow.

Other Flower Bed Ideas that will Change Your Backyard Forever

DIY Peony Flower Bed

DIY Peony Flower BedPin
Source: twotwentyone.net

Perennial Flower Bed for The Summer

Perennial Flower Bed for The SummerPin
Source: ctbetterhs.com

Tulips with Annuals and Perennials

Tulips with Annuals and PerennialsPin
Source: pixabay.com

DIY Flower Garden Tower

DIY Flower Garden TowerPin
Source: groweris.com

Raised Block Flower Bed

Raised Block Flower BedPin
Source: ideas.wursttex.com

Colorful Flower Bed

Colorful Flower BedPin
Source: pixabay.com

Plant Bed in Gravel Yard

Plant Bed in Gravel YardPin
Source: gardendesign.com

Rustic Hollow Log Flower Bed

Rustic Hollow Log Flower BedPin
Source: pinterly.com

Flower Bed with Wheelbarrow Planter

Flower Bed with Wheelbarrow PlanterPin
Source: fur.press

Pretty River Rock Flower Bed

Pretty River Rock Flower BedPin
Source: plantas.facilisimo.com

DIY Wood Flower and Herb Bed

DIY Wood Flower and Herb BedPin
Source: classia.net

Round Flower Bed with Pots

Round Flower Bed with PotsPin
Source: housely.com

Romantic Rose and Lavender Garden

Romantic Rose and Lavender GardenPin
Source: howardrice.co.uk

Magical Flower Garden with Pathway

Lush, Magical Flower Garden with PathwayPin
Source: bhg.com

Antique Bed Frame Flower Bed

Antique Bed Frame Flower BedPin
Source: forums2.gardenweb.com

Flower Bed for Small Yards

Flower Bed for Small YardsPin
Source: fur.press

Wood Trellis Vertical Flower Bed

Wood Trellis Vertical Flower BedPin
Source: theidearoom.net

Other Amazing Ideas

Small flower bed design ideasPin
Source: Pinterest.com
Flower bed design ideas for front yardPin
Source: Pinterest.com
perennial flower bed ideasPin
Source: Pinterest.com
Flower bed design ideas for front yardPin
Source: Pinterest.com
Flower bed design ideas low maintenancePin
Source: Pinterest.com
Simple flower bed design ideasPin
Source: Pinterest.com


You can make many more kinds of flower bed ideas for your front and backyard. If you want a design that is simple and has low maintenance, then the trunk idea is the most recommended option.

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