Learning how to stain kitchen cabinets can come in handy when you have an outdated kitchen cabinet and are thinking about remodeling it with modest effort.
Staining kitchen cabinets are easy and inexpensive. Here are two easy and most-used ways to start a rewarding do-it-yourself kitchen cabinet staining.
1. Staining Kitchen Cabinets with a Foam Brush

The idea of staining kitchen cabinets is to fill in all the deeper areas with a dark stain, a color that is darker than the look you are aiming for. This is done to achieve a nice 3D look. You will be needed a foam brush, dark stain, gloves, a rag, and sandpaper.
Take the dark stain—almost black, put your gloves on, start dipping your foam brush into the stain and douse the cabinet area. Douse as much as you can without worrying about it looking messy as this is just the first step. Make sure to get into all the cracks in the wooden cabinet. The use of a foam brush supports the cracks to get an even distribution of the dark stain.
After that, take your rag and wipe off all the excess, make sure that all the stains in the higher area are wiped so that it shows a less dark stain and brings out a natural look to the wood.
At this point, you can already see the natural lighter part of the wood coming through from wiping it off with the rag. Once you achieve that look, take sandpaper of any kind and work it through the wood as this is going to bring all the high spots out while keeping the dark spots natural dark. To do this, make sure the sandpaper is flat on the wood, leaving the deep parts of the wood untouched. Keep scraping the whole length of the wood with sandpaper.
The next step is to grab a stain of a lighter color and wipe it on the wood. Because it is much lighter than the original, it will subtly get rid of the crazy two-tone contrast of the sandpapering. As the lighter stain started to reveal its beauty, the natural and earthy wooden color will start to show.
After that, wipe off any excess stain without forgetting the sides, and that is how to stain kitchen cabinets with a foam brush.
2. Staining Kitchen Cabinets with a Spray System
First, wear protective goggles, ear protection, and a paint suit before beginning to stain your kitchen cabinet with a spray. There are many looks and choices of colors when it comes to spray staining your kitchen cabinet, you can pick a light wood color to the darkest wooden color option available.
With the spray system, install a gun tip appropriate for a thin to medium viscosity finish. Filter the stain into your fluid delivery system to prevent sprayer malfunction and adding foreign material to the project.
Review the step panel for each step in the process and how the color should look. Spray horizontally in one go for each part of the wood for an even color distribution. Spray one coat, and let it dry. Compare the color you have sprayed to the desired wooden color. Spray additional coats and let dry if necessary.

The next step is to spray the sealer. This will require a gun tip for a thicker viscosity finish. Spray one coat of sealer, and let it dry. Continue comparing the color to the desired wooden color. Sand the sealer coat with 400 grit sandpaper and blow the dust off with an air gun.
If glazing is required, apply the glaze to the entire part with cheesecloth. Remove the excess glaze with dry cheesecloth, following the wood grain direction. Let it dry. Once dry, spray the topcoat, and let it dry once again. However, if glazing is not required, spray the topcoat directly and let it dry.
The last step is to compare the desired wooden color again to confirm the colors match.

Without having to spend a lot of money, you can now understand how to stain kitchen cabinets right from the comfort of your home with two staining options, foam brushing, and a spraying system.
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