How to Remove Kitchen Faucet in 4 Easy Steps

If you want to replace your kitchen faucet with a new model, the initial step is to remove the old one. Although it can be confusing and tough sometimes, removing an old kitchen faucet is easy if you know the correct way and with the right tool.

This guide will cover how to disconnect the faucet water supply, unscrewing the nuts, and removing the faucet in preparation to install the new faucet. Whether your kitchen faucet is corroded, leaking, or broken, here is a guide on how to remove kitchen faucet easily by yourself.

how to remove kitchen faucet

Tools and Materials Needed

  • Bucket or Bowl
  • Basin Wrench
  • Towel
  • Screwdriver
  • Penetrating Oil Spray

How to Remove Kitchen Faucet

1. Cut the Water Supply Lines

The first thing you should do in removing your kitchen faucet is to cut the water supply. You can do it by turning the shut-off valves at the cabinet under your sink. If your old faucet is directly plumbed, you can cut the main water supply instead.

Moreover, working with the faucet means you spend most of your time under it. If your faucet is hurting your back, you might want to put a towel at the edge of your faucet to avoid further back pain.

Try turning on the hot and cold water before moving on. There should be no water coming out if the water supply is off.

2. Disconnect the Hot and Cold Valves

Make sure to put a bowl or bucket under the valves to catch any residual water. After that, you can move on by disconnecting the hot and cold supply tubes. To loosen up the water supply lines, you can use a basin wrench. Unscrew it from the faucet and put it in the bucket to contain the water residue.

3. Remove the Faucet Mounting Nuts

Afterward, you can start removing the faucet mounting nuts. These nuts secure the faucet to the sink and usually, there’s one or two depending on the style. You can use a basin wrench to loosen it.

Using a basin wrench, remove the mounting nuts counterclockwise. If it is hard to turn, apply penetrating oil and let it sit in for a while before trying again.

4. Remove the Old Faucet

Once the mounting nuts are removed, it’s easier to wiggle the kitchen faucet out of the sink and take it out. If it’s sticking inside, you might need to use the edge of a plastic knife to loosen it out. Once the faucet out, you can immediately prepare to install the new one.

To make the process more efficient, it is better if you have the replacement faucet at the time you’re removing the old one. Having no faucet in your house will only inconvenience you. Remember to clean up the sink surface using a non-scratching scouring pad before installing the new kitchen faucet.

Video: How to Remove Kitchen Faucet by Homedepot

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Removing a kitchen faucet isn’t much of a difficult task if you know the right procedure. In learning how to remove the kitchen faucet guide, you will be able to remove it by yourself instead of calling an expensive plumber. When it’s all done, you are ready to install your new kitchen faucet.

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