How to Clean a Mattress in 9 Simple Steps

When you start to sleep poorly due to you are disturbed by the musty smell emanating from your mattress, immediately check what is behind your bedding. Are there any specks of dirt like coffee, chocolate, tea stains, or even urine?

If yes, it is the right time for you to learn how to clean a mattress effectively.

Talking about cleaning a mattress does not mean just purged dust on the surface. It is about a deep cleaning that can remove the dirt stains and make your bed clean and fresh again.

Do you know how to deep clean a mattress? It will significantly affect the condition of your bed. It will not look completely new indeed, but leastwise all those stubborn stains are no longer visible, and the mold will not grow on there.

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Of course, you do not want to have a dirty and smelly bed, do you? It will look terrible, especially when your mattress is white.

From this article, you will find the DIY and tips on how to clean mattress stains using hydrogen peroxide and vinegar solution combine with baking soda. The step-by-step described below may not work on all bed types.

Thus, check to see if there is a specific cleaning method recommended by the mattress manufacturer or not.

How to Clean a Mattress with Hydrogen Peroxide

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It will be frustrating when you accidentally spilled out olive oil, balsamic vinegar, or soup broth on your bed. Once you leave it for years, all these specks of dirt can become permanent stains that attract the mold to grow.

Before this bad thing happens to your beloved mattress, immediately prepare the following materials to clean it.

DIY Supplies

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  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Three boxes of baking soda (you can have more)
  • White vinegar
  • Clear dish soap (colored soap can build another stain on your bed)
  • Spray bottle
  • Toothbrush
  • Some rags (white is better)
  • Sifter
  • A vacuum cleaner
  • Essential oil (optional)

How To Make Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

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Make a mixture of a cup of hydrogen peroxide, a cup of water, and two dish soap squirts. Additionally, you can put some droplets of lavender essential oil to produce an aromatic solution, but it is not necessary. Fill up the spray bottle with it and shake it well.

When all the ingredients you need are ready, you can immediately take a systematic step on how to clean a mattress effectively. Before that, please free your bed from all the bedsheets.

Step 1

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Vacuum every part of your mattress. This way, you can eliminate the dust and any particles hang in there for a long time.

This cleaner device is safe for your bed. Thus, it is recommended for you to vacuum your mattress once a month.

Step 2

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Put baking soda in a sifter, and then sprinkle it evenly over your mattress.

Step 3

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Rub the baking soda to every part of your bed. You can utilize either a vacuum brush or toothbrush according to your need.

When the stains are dominantly large and thick, you should use a vacuum brush. Ensure baking soda covers your bed well and no space left behind.

Step 4

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You can keep it for 10 minutes to let the baking soda work on your mattress.

Step 5

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When 10 minutes are over, vacuum your bed again to remove the baking soda residual.

Step 6

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Spray the solution over the mattress evenly. To ensure that it is already distributed well, check it by your hands.

Step 7

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Sprinkle the baking soda for the second time, spread evenly using rags. Then scrub the dark spot with a toothbrush. You can give more solutions and baking soda in a layer if you find urine or bloodstain challenging to remove.

To reach a maximum result, you can have another solution from vinegar and baking soda.

From that, another question comes up, “how to clean a mattress with baking soda and vinegar?” The answer is simple; you merely replace the hydrogen peroxide with the vinegar, and that is all.

Step 8

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Leave it overnight and let the combination of all the solutions and baking soda effectively clean your mattress. You cannot use it while it is in moisture, which is why you have to plan your sleep on your daybed couch for a night.

Step 9

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Scrub again to break the baking soda residue.

Step 10

Step 10 vacuum for the last timePin

The final step on how to clean a mattress is vacuuming your bed for the last time. Now you are ready to see a fantastic result!

Alternative Idea to Keep Your Mattress Clean

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Sometimes, people still wonder is there any way to keep the bed clean apart from the systematic steps mentioned above and ask “how to clean a mattress without baking soda?”

You can merely purchase some cleaner brands on the market at various prices to resolve that. Alternatively, you can also buy a mattress protector that can cover your bed from many stains.

That is all about how to clean a mattress effectively. You can do it at least twice a year to keep your bed free from dirt and fresh again!

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