4 Creative Wood Paneling Cover Up Ideas for a Stylish Home

If you’re tired of your outdated wood paneling, you’re not alone. Many homeowners are looking for ways to cover up this old-fashioned feature and transform their homes into something modern and new. Fortunately, there are many wood paneling cover-up ideas that can help you achieve the look you want without breaking the bank.

Understanding Wood Paneling Before you start covering up your wood paneling, it’s important to understand what you’re dealing with. Wood paneling is a type of wall covering that is made from solid or veneered wood. It was popular in the 1960s and 1970s but has since fallen out of fashion. While some people love the rustic look of wood paneling, others find it dated and unattractive.

Design Strategies for Paneling Makeover One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to transform your wood paneling is to repaint it. A fresh coat of paint can make a huge difference in the look and feel of a room. You can also try adding wainscoting or molding to the panels to give them a more modern look. Another option is to cover the panels with wallpaper or fabric to create a more textured and interesting surface.

Key Takeaways

  • Repainting wood paneling is a cost-effective way to update your home’s interior.
  • Adding wainscoting or molding can give your wood paneling a modern look.
  • Covering wood paneling with wallpaper or fabric can create a textured and interesting surface.

The Basics of Wood Paneling

Wood paneling is a type of wall covering made from wood. It is a popular choice for homeowners who want to add warmth and texture to their walls. Wood paneling can be installed on any type of wall, including drywall, plaster, or concrete.

Wood paneling is often used to create a rustic or traditional look in a room. It can also be used to add texture and depth to a modern or contemporary space. The natural beauty of wood paneling can enhance the aesthetic appeal of a room.

Types of Wood Paneling

There are several types of wood paneling to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics. Some of the most popular types of wood paneling include:

  • Shiplap: This type of wood paneling features overlapping boards that create a tight seal between the boards. Shiplap is often used to create a beachy or coastal look in a room.shiplap wood paneling


  • Beadboard: Beadboard is a type of wood paneling that features narrow, vertical boards with a groove or “bead” in between each board. Beadboard is often used to create a cottage or farmhouse look in a room.beadboard wood paneling on the walls


  • Tongue and Groove: This type of wood paneling features interlocking boards that fit together tightly. Tongue and groove paneling is often used to create a traditional or rustic look in a room. tongue and groove wood paneling on the walls and ceiling


  • Reclaimed Wood: Reclaimed wood paneling is made from wood that has been salvaged from old buildings or structures. This type of paneling is often used to add character and history to a room.accent wall made of reclaimed wood paneling

Wood paneling can be left natural or stained to enhance its natural beauty. It can also be painted to match the decor of a room. With so many options to choose from, wood paneling is a versatile and timeless choice for any home.

Design Strategies for Paneling Makeover

If you have outdated wood paneling in your home, you may be wondering how to give it a fresh, modern look. Fortunately, there are several design strategies you can use to transform your paneling into a stylish feature of your home.

Incorporating Modern Design Elements

One way to update your wood paneling is to incorporate modern design elements into the room. For example, you can add sleek, contemporary furniture, such as a minimalist sofa or a geometric coffee table. You can also use modern accessories, such as abstract art or metallic accents, to create a stylish contrast with the natural wood.

Another way to incorporate modern elements is to use lighting to your advantage. Consider adding recessed lighting to highlight your paneling and create a warm, welcoming atmosphere. You can also add statement lighting fixtures, such as a pendant or chandelier, to draw attention to your paneling and create a focal point in the room.

Choosing the Right Color Palette

Choosing the right color palette is crucial when updating your wood paneling. You want to create a cohesive look that complements your paneling while also adding modern flair. One option is to paint your paneling a neutral color, such as white or gray, to create a clean, modern look. You can also paint your paneling a bold color, such as navy or emerald green, to create a statement feature in the room.

A cozy living room with wood paneling painted in a neutral color

A cozy living room with wood paneling painted in a bold color

Another option is to use wallpaper to cover your paneling. Wallpaper comes in a variety of patterns and colors, allowing you to create a unique, modern look that complements your paneling. You can also use a combination of paint and wallpaper to create a stylish accent wall that adds depth and interest to the room.

In conclusion, there are several design strategies you can use to update your wood paneling and give it a modern makeover. By incorporating modern design elements and choosing the right color palette, you can transform your paneling into a stylish feature of your home.

Painting Over Wood Paneling

If you have wood paneling in your home and want to give it a fresh, modern look, painting over it can be a great option. Here’s what you need to know to get started.

Selecting the Best Paint

best paint to cover wood paneling

When selecting the best paint to cover wood paneling, it’s important to choose a paint that is specifically designed for this purpose. Look for a paint that is labeled as “high-hide” or “stain-blocking” to ensure that it covers the wood paneling completely.

You’ll also want to choose a paint color that complements your decor and personal style. Neutral colors like white, beige, and gray are popular choices for painting over wood paneling, but you can also choose bolder colors if you prefer.

Step-by-Step Painting Guide

how to cover up wood paneling walls

Here’s a step-by-step guide to painting over wood paneling:

  1. Clean the paneling thoroughly with a mixture of warm water and mild detergent. Rinse with clean water and let dry completely.
  2. Sand the paneling lightly to rough up the surface and help the paint adhere better. Wipe away any dust with a clean, damp cloth.
  3. Apply a coat of primer to the paneling, using a brush or roller. Let the primer dry completely before moving on to the next step.
  4. Apply the paint in thin, even coats, using a brush or roller. Be sure to work in small sections, and allow each section to dry completely before moving on to the next.
  5. Once you’ve applied the final coat of paint, let it dry completely before touching or adding any decorations.

By following these steps, you can transform your outdated wood paneling into a fresh, modern feature in your home.

Non-Paint Alternatives

If you’re looking for a way to cover up your wood paneling without painting it, there are several non-paint alternatives that can help you achieve the look you want. Here are two popular options:

Using Wallpaper to Cover Wood Paneling

Wallpaper is a great option for covering wood paneling. You can choose from a wide variety of patterns and textures to create the look you want. Plus, it’s easy to install and remove, making it a temporary cover for wood paneling.

Before you start, make sure your paneling is clean and dry. You can use a damp cloth to wipe it down and remove any dust or dirt. Then, measure your walls and cut your wallpaper to size. Apply the wallpaper using wallpaper paste or a self-adhesive backing. Smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles and trim the excess with a sharp knife or scissors.

cover wood paneling with wallpaper

Textile and Fabric Solutions

Another way to cover wood paneling is to use textiles and fabrics. You can hang curtains or drapes over the paneling to create a soft, cozy look. Or, you can attach fabric directly to the paneling using adhesive or Velcro strips.

To attach fabric to your paneling, start by measuring your walls and cutting your fabric to size. Then, apply adhesive or Velcro strips to the back of the fabric and press it onto the paneling. Make sure to smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles.

Overall, these non-paint alternatives are an easy and affordable way to cover up your wood paneling and give your room a fresh, updated look.

DIY Wood Paneling Makeover Ideas

If you’re tired of the outdated look of wood paneling in your home, don’t worry, you don’t have to live with it forever. There are plenty of DIY wood paneling makeover ideas that can transform your space without breaking the bank. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Easy Weekend Projects

covering up wood paneling diy

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to cover up wood paneling, there are a few weekend projects you can try. One option is to paint over the paneling with a fresh coat of paint. This is a simple and affordable way to update the look of your walls. Be sure to clean the paneling thoroughly before painting and use a good primer to ensure the paint adheres properly.

cover wood paneling with wallpaper

Another option is to install wallpaper over the wood paneling. This is a great way to add texture and pattern to your walls without the hassle of removing the paneling. There are plenty of peel-and-stick wallpaper options available that are easy to install and remove.

Creative Cover-Up Techniques

If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, there are some creative cover-up techniques you can try. One option is to install drywall over the wood paneling. This will give you a fresh, smooth surface to work with. Be sure to use a heavy-duty adhesive to ensure the drywall stays in place.

Another option is to install wood planks over the paneling. This will give your walls a rustic, cabin-like feel. You can either use real wood planks or opt for a more affordable faux wood option. Be sure to use a good adhesive to ensure the planks stay in place.

No matter which DIY wood paneling makeover idea you choose, be sure to take your time and do it right. With a little bit of effort and creativity, you can transform your outdated wood paneling into a beautiful, modern space.

Professional Approaches to Wood Paneling

Professional Approaches to Wood Paneling

If you’re looking for a professional approach to wood paneling, there are a few options available to you. In this section, we’ll explore some of the options you have when it comes to hiring a professional for your wood paneling makeover.

Hiring a Professional for a Seamless Look

One option is to hire a professional to remove and replace your wood paneling. This is a great option if you want a seamless look and don’t mind spending a little extra money. A professional will be able to remove your old wood paneling and replace it with a new material, such as drywall. This will give your walls a fresh, modern look that will last for years to come.

Another option is to hire a professional to paint your wood paneling. This is a more cost-effective option than removing and replacing your wood paneling, and it can still give your walls a fresh, modern look. A professional painter will be able to properly prep your wood paneling and apply a high-quality paint that will last for years.

Cost-Effective Professional Options

If you’re looking for a cost-effective professional option, consider using a wood paneling makeover kit. These kits are designed to cover up your existing wood paneling with a new material, such as wallpaper or fabric. They are easy to install and can give your walls a fresh, modern look without breaking the bank.

Another cost-effective option is to use a paintable wallpaper. This type of wallpaper is designed to be painted over, so you can choose the color that best suits your style. It’s a great option if you want to keep your wood paneling but give it a fresh, modern look.

cover wood paneling with wallpaper - paintable wallpaper (1)

cover wood paneling with wallpaper - paintable wallpaper (1)

cover wood paneling with wallpaper - paintable wallpaper (1)

cover wood paneling with wallpaper - paintable wallpaper (1)

In conclusion, hiring a professional for your wood paneling makeover can be a great option if you want a seamless look or a cost-effective solution. Consider the options available to you and choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Maintaining Your Updated Panels

Cleaning and Care for Painted Paneling

Wood Panel Walls

Congratulations! You’ve successfully updated your wood paneling and given it a fresh new look. Now, it’s important to maintain it properly so that it stays looking great for years to come. One of the most important things you can do is to keep it clean.

To clean painted paneling, use a soft cloth or sponge with warm water and a mild detergent. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbing too hard, as this can damage the paint. If you need to remove tough stains, try using a non-abrasive cleaner specifically designed for painted surfaces.

Long-Term Maintenance Tips

In addition to regular cleaning, there are a few other things you can do to keep your updated wood paneling looking great. Here are some long-term maintenance tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid exposing your painted paneling to direct sunlight for long periods of time, as this can cause the paint to fade or discolor.
  • Keep the humidity levels in your home at a reasonable level. High humidity can cause the wood to expand and contract, which can lead to cracking or peeling paint.
  • If you notice any damage to your painted paneling, such as chips or scratches, touch it up as soon as possible to prevent further damage.
  • Consider adding a protective topcoat to your painted paneling to help protect it from wear and tear.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your updated wood paneling stays looking great for years to come.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Dealing with Textured Walls

how to cover up wood paneling walls

If you have textured walls and are looking to cover them up with wood paneling, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you’ll want to make sure that the paneling you choose is thin enough to fit over the texture without looking bulky or uneven. You can also try sanding down the texture to create a smoother surface before installing the paneling.

Another option is to use a paintable wallpaper or wall liner to cover the texture before installing the paneling. This will create a smooth surface that will make it easier to install the paneling and create a more polished look.

Addressing Panel Damage

If your wood paneling has damage such as scratches, dents, or holes, there are a few things you can do to address these issues before covering them up. For minor scratches and dents, you can try filling them in with wood filler and sanding them down to create a smooth surface.

For larger holes or damage, you may need to replace the damaged panel entirely. This can be done by removing the damaged panel and replacing it with a new one. You can then paint or stain the panel to match the rest of the wood paneling.

Overall, by taking the time to address any issues with your walls before installing wood paneling, you can create a more polished and professional look in your home. By using the tips and tricks outlined above, you can ensure that your wood paneling installation goes smoothly and looks great.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I cover my wood paneling without causing any damage?

If you want to cover your wood paneling without causing any damage, there are a few options. One is to use a temporary wallpaper that can be easily removed without causing any damage to the paneling. Another option is to use adhesive-backed fabric or vinyl tiles that can be easily removed without causing any damage. You can also try hanging curtains or drapes over the paneling to cover it up.

What are the best techniques for giving 70s wood paneling a modern makeover?

There are many techniques for giving 70s wood paneling a modern makeover. One option is to paint the paneling with a bright, modern color. Another option is to whitewash the paneling to give it a more rustic, modern look. You can also try adding trim or molding to the paneling to give it a more sophisticated look.

Can you suggest some ideas for covering wood paneling with fabric?

If you want to cover your wood paneling with fabric, there are many options. One is to use a fabric adhesive to attach the fabric directly to the paneling. Another option is to use a thin layer of batting or foam to create a padded surface, and then attach the fabric to that. You can also try hanging fabric panels or curtains over the paneling to cover it up.

How can I make my half wood paneling look more contemporary?

If you have half wood paneling, there are a few ways to make it look more contemporary. One option is to paint the paneling a bright, modern color. Another option is to add trim or molding to the paneling to give it a more sophisticated look. You can also try hanging modern art or photographs on the paneling to give it a more contemporary feel.

What are some before and after examples of wood paneling makeovers?

There are many examples of wood paneling makeovers that you can find online. Some examples include painting the paneling a bright, modern color, adding trim or molding to the paneling, or covering the paneling with wallpaper or fabric. You can also try adding modern furniture or accessories to the room to give it a more contemporary feel.

wood pasneling cover up ideas - before and after